
This appears in the Articles page

  • one year ago
We want YOU to help us

Every community is made up of people just like you. Even giant organizations like Facebook, Amazon, Google and Ebay are only platforms. The real power comes from its users. Our ummah draws its power from what Allah ta 'Ala has placed in each of us. Many of us have talents that are hidden, ignored or overlooked. Don't be shy. Reach out and see how you can help.

  • Umar AlFarooq
  • one year ago
Community Members

What is the intent of this website?

  • This website is intended to unite the Muslim communities of a local area, offering a safe space to communicate with each other over issues of local importance. As a member, you can either browse the blogs, events, activities and galleries. You can also make use of our social media wall to post if you want help with anything, advice, or if you want to help anyone else.